Grow your business with the right software : Dashdoc TMS

Get profitable ! Finally a Transportation Management Software that gets your point of view. Automate tasks from planning to invoicing for your team, drivers and subcontractors.

Header TMS Page - TMS Product


Carriers, you are dealing with major challenges

Fuel prices

Price increases have a direct impact on profit margins.

Hiring drivers

Turnover, retiring drivers, financial crisis... It is harder and harder to recruit and keep drivers!

Extended working hours

Wether you manage everything from your truck or spend the weekend at your desk, the job is demanding.

For dispatching, whether you are planning for your own fleet or a charter fleet

  • Avoid double data entry. Accelerate transport creation. Automate transport creation from shipper platforms

  • Centralize every transport information and track real time evolution

  • Send missions to drivers. Retrieve information from the field.

  • Keep an eye on your transports in real time

  • Avoid phone calls from customers informing them

US vision - planning

For invoicing, benefit from transportation sales/purchasing

  • Put an end to lost, damaged or untraceable delivery notes

  • Invoice as soon as shipment is complete, comparing forecast to actual and rate schedules

  • Save up to 10 days of billing time, expedite payment

  • Avoid tons of paper documents.
Switch to electronic bills of lading

  • Control and even better: automate verification of your invoices from suppliers or subcontractors

US vision - Invoice

For business profitability, focus on steering and performance

  • Increase productivity by up to 30% by eliminating tasks that do not add value

  • Reduce your costs by 2 to 5% by optimizing planning and resources

  • Manage your business and ensure profitability for every shipment with the right indicators in the right place

  • Increase revenue by 5% every year: better quality of service, customer loyalty, etc.-

US vision - Dashboard

For your customers, increase visibility and quality service

  • Invite customers on a dedicated portal to access every information

  • Send customers notifications as emails, SMS at the right time to track their goods

  • Share ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) with customers to help them streamline operations

  • Let customers directly send orders and/or get quotes.

  • Collaborate by sharing expected delivery informations, sharing proofs of delivery, invoices and transport tracking

Quality Service - Page TMS

Benefit from your tools, make the right connections

  • With the TMS, you activate the connections to get the best out of all your tools

  • Standard off-the-shelf interfaces: ERP, telematics, loading platforms, fleet management, Business Intelligence, mapping, etc.

  • Custom interfaces: Develop your own interfaces and build the ecosystem that's right for you

  • Open, documented API (Application Programming Interface) accessible to your teams and technical partners

Benefit from all data - TMS Presentation Page

React now with the TMS that fuels your growth

Accelerate your transportation management, collaborate and win the battle for profitability!



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Floris Servranckx

Dispatching Manager (40 trucks)

"We chose Dashdoc for its price, ease of use, speed to put in place. All information regarding transports, drivers and document management are now centralized. I can easily duplicate my planning. We'll save 3 to 4 hours per week per dispatcher. Our drivers use the mobile app from TMS for all status updates on transport and electronic signature. It's available in more than 10 languages and every driver can use it. They are now used to it and see added value."


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