Managing contracted transports like never before

Dashdoc's dedicated transports module offers you traceability, control and centralized communication... Control all your shipments, their quality and your budget !

Picture Freight - TMS Product

Benefits of the dedicated module

Control your margin

Simplified communication

Centralized information

Transport assignment

  • Assignment assistance: access to price grids and purchase history

  • Possibility of automatic assignment

  • Multi-carrier quote request

  • Send dedicated confirmation

The quotation request allows you to consult several carriers simultaneously on the same order by centralizing returns.

Assignation - US TMS Product

Dedicated schedule

  • Visualize the activities assigned to your transport partners and your margins

  • Follow the progress of transport operations thanks to an intuitive display

  • Easily access the transport budget committed to your transport partners

Global vision of all your transportation needs, whether in-house or outsourced

Dedicated Schedule - US TMS Product

Outsourced and contracted transport

  • Dedicated portalfor your subcontractors

  • Send orders and dedicated confirmations

  • Transfer of field data to your transport file

  • Automated reminders for missing information

  • Mobile application for subcontracted drivers

  • Telematics connection, automatic status feedback

  • Dedicated API connection, file updates

Communication with Chartered Transports - Chartering Page TMS Product

Dedicated indicators and performance

  • Control of subcontracted budget by transport volume according to routes

  • Quality control of subcontracting partners

  • Analysis of dedicated margins and purchasing history

Prices - US TMS Product

Contracted transport pre-invoicing

  • Dedicated price lists and pre-invoicing

  • Export of pre-invoices for subcontracted partners

  • Invoice control for partners

Contracted transports pre-invoicing - US TMS Product

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